
Safeguarding children and young people is a priority in this college

“The welfare of the child is paramount” (the Children Act 1989).

Any child protection concerns must be reported to the Principal, a Designated Safeguarding Lead or a member of the leadership team



NAME: Mrs Jo Santinelli

CONTACT NUMBER: 01206 549222 ext 842 




Designated Safeguarding Lead

NAME: Mrs Miriam Davis

CONTACT NUMBER: 01206 549222 ext 860


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

NAME: Mrs Sarah Pavey

CONTACT NUMBER: 01206 549222 ext 863



Nominated Governor For Safeguarding

NAME: Mrs Mary Moriarty

CONTACT NUMBER: 01206 549222

In their absence - any member of the Senior Leadership Team should be contacted

If you cannot contact anyone at college and you wish to speak to someone urgently, you can contact the Police, telephone number 101, (in an emergency, always ring 999), or contact the Children and Family Operations Hub for social care enquiries and pass your concerns on directly to them.

Office Hours - 0345 603 7627
Out of Office Hours - 0345 606 1212

At St Benedict’s Catholic College, we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.


If you have any concerns about a student in our care, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Information and important links


We have put together a leaflet for parents, carers, visitors & volunteers to give some information about how we meet our safeguarding and child protection responsibilities.

We have also included some tips and links to help you to keep your child safe.

You can access this and other materials to support both parents and students from the following links:

The College Child Protection and Safeguarding polices can be found on polices page of the website by clicking here


Raise a Concern