Free School Meals

We use an online checking service to check all applications for Free School Meals. If you wish to see if you are eligible, please follow the link below


The system is simple and easy to use, simply follow each stage in the step-by-step process. You will get an immediate answer as to eligibility. If your child is eligible please send a copy of the certificate your receive to Please be aware that we do NOT get an automatic notification and do need the certificate to be sent to us.

If you have any questions, or are for any reason unable to use the online system, please email or phone the college office on 01206 549222 and you will be helped with your application.

Every student eligible for free schools meals receives a daily allowance on the cashless catering system, which can be used at break or lunch time. This system is completely transparent and other students will not know that your son/daughter receives free school meals. The daily allowance is enough to purchase a substantial meal, & desert, however is can also be topped up via Parent Pay to enable further purchases if required.