Financial Information

Employee Gross Annual Salary 2023-24


Salary Band Number of employees
£100,000+ 1


Employee Gross Annual Salary 2022-23



Salary Band Number of employees
£100,000+ 0



Employee Gross Annual Salary 2021-22


Salary Band Number of employees
£100,000+ 0


You can find detailed information about our finances on the schools financial benchmarking service website - click here for more details.



Trade Union Facility time 2022-23


Relevant Union Officials
Percentage of time spent on facility time 0.01% 

Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time

(total pay bill less total cost of facility time)

Paid Trade Union Activities   0%



Trade Union Facility time 2021-22


Relevant Union Officials 0
Percentage of time spent on facility time 0%

Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time

(total pay bill less total cost of facility time)

Paid Trade Union Activities  0%