
Head of Faculty: Mr Jeffery – 

Science continues to change our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. We are surrounded by technology and the products of science every day. Public policy decisions that affect every aspect of our lives are based in scientific evidence. As children grow up in an increasingly technologically and scientifically advanced world, they need to be scientifically literate to succeed.   
At St Benedict’s Catholic College students follow a five-year curriculum that focuses on the big ideas in science over three disciplines: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We follow the National curriculum for science, which builds on the knowledge and skills that students developed at key stage two, fully preparing them for GCSE examinations and supporting them in transitioning to the next phase in their lives. 
In science lessons at St Benedict’s, students can explore the world around them and learn how to use problem-solving and critical thinking to create solutions and make decisions. 
By the end of their time at St Benedict's, students will have developed a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They will have developed lifelong skills that allow them to generate ideas, weigh decisions intelligently and understand evidence. They will have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond. 

In KS3, students follow a purpose built KS3 curriculum that builds towards GCSE. This curriculum has been designed so pupils can explore science both inside and outside the classroom to nurture their own scientific curiosity. This curriculum ensures that all topics that are covered at GCSE level are introduced at KS3 so that no pupil starts their GCSE science with gaps in their knowledge.


Pupils cover KS3 content in class supported by an Activate textbook and complete assessments using exam questions that use the same language as their book to develop confidence and confirm understanding of the subject. All pupils following this pathway are provided with login details for Kerboodle that allows them to access the Activate textbooks.


KS3 Units  

Introduction to Science 

B1 – Cells and Functions 

B2 – Reproduction    

C1 – Particles and Kinetic Theory 

C2 – Chemical Reactions 

P1 - Waves

P2 – Force


B1 – Ecology, Plants and Inheritance

B2 – Health and Lifestyle 

C1 – Substances and Separation

C2 – Metals and Acid

P1 – Electricity

P2 – Energy and Speed


Home learning at KS3

Home learning is set to support the learning and progress of your child, and it will focus on preparation, practice or revision.

At KS3 students will be expected to complete 30-45 minutes of home learning each week.  This will come in two forms:

Week A - a home learning task will be assigned on Sparx Science.

Your child’s home learning will be set on Monday week A and due on Monday week B every cycle.

How do they log in?

●     Students log in to They will need to find their school and log in using their Sparx Maths details.

What devices are supported?

●     Your child can access Sparx Science on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.

How can I support my child with their home learning?

●     Sparx Science adapts to each student’s ability level, so it’s important that you don’t help too much, e.g. by answering questions for them. This can lead to Sparx giving home learning that is too long or hard in future.

●     We recommend letting students answer each question themselves and you can give help if they are stuck with the support and follow-up questions.

●     You can also help to provide a quiet space for your child to focus on their home learning each week.

How can I monitor my child’s home learning?

●     You are able to keep track of the reading your child is doing by clicking through the link to the Parent Portal in your Sparx Maths weekly home learning email.

●     On the Parent Portal, you can choose to view home learning progress for any Sparx learning system your child is using.


Week B – Revision & home learning will be recorded on ClassCharts. •

The home learning is likely to consist of the following:

-          Worksheet / reading comprehension / application of knowledge

-          Kerboodle Learning assigned task

-          Revision for an end of unit assessment / cumulative assessment

-          Key word definitions and / or spellings. – Kerboodle is an online teaching and assessment website that provides support for students’ learning. Your child will be able to see copies of the textbooks they use as well as use the resources available on the website and may be set work by their teacher(s).

What can parents/carers do to support at home?

As well as the resources found on the college website there are several other resources that can be used to support your child with their studies.


·         SAM Learning offers online revision and exam practice for KS3. A great resource to consolidate learning that has taken place that day or that week. Used regularly it has proven to improve progress made by students.


·         Known as BBC bitesize. A useful website to get clear explanations of the knowledge and skills covered at KS3. Interactive lessons, games, and worksheets to support maths learning

9-1 Key Stage 4 Separate science


Pupils will study the 9-1 GCSE curriculum and will be following the AQA syllabus. All pupils will be provided with a login for Kerboodle which will allow students to access textbooks to support both their class work and home learning. All pupils will achieve three GCSE’s following the separate science specification. 


There is no coursework, all assessment is exam based at the end of year 11.


Biology Units

4.1 Cell Biology

4.2 Organisation

4.3 Infection and Response

4.4 Bioenergetics

4.5 Homeostasis and Response

4.6 Inheritance; variation and evolution

4.7 Ecology


Chemistry Units

4.1 Atomic Structure and periodic table

4.2 Bonding structure and properties of matter

4.3 Quantitative Chemistry

4.4 Chemical Changes

4.5 Energy Changes

4.6 Rate and extent chemical change

4.7 Organic Chemistry

4.8 Chemical Analysis

4.9 Chemistry of the atmosphere

4.10 Using Resources


 Physics Units

4.1 Energy

4.2 Electricity

4.3 Particle Model of Matter

4.4 Atomic Structure

4.5 Forces

4.6 Waves

4.7 Magnetism and Electromagnetism

4.8 Space


Home learning at KS4

In year 11 pupils will receive one hour of science home learning tasks per week, this is designed to support revision.


Week A - a Home Learning task will be assigned on Sparx Science.

Your child’s home learning will be set on Monday week A and due on Monday week B every cycle.

Week B – Revision will be set throughout the year on Class charts.


The following websites offer good resources to help students with their studying:


Sparx science – By going into the independent learning tab, ensure that the curriculum is set to AQA Level2 Combined science, students have access to all the topics they would encounter in the exam in a familiar setting.


What can parents/carers do to support at home?

Practice exams and past papers: encourage your child to practice with past papers to help them get used to the format and structure of the exams. Use visual aids: Science can be complex, and visual aids such as diagrams, videos, and models can help make the concepts easier to understand.

Encourage your child to attend revision sessions and complete all their home learning.


Post 16 subject links

Our teachers regularly promote awareness of our curriculum links to post-16 employment. We have identified several key points in the year where we can highlight and advertise potential careers that may be of interest to our young people.

We work with PSHE to identify ways to develop interest through workshops, visits and invite speakers and we listen to our students and tailor our careers information to their interests and abilities.