Head of faculty: Mr Clegg –

At St Benedict’s, we study PE to develop the physical, social and emotional well-being of our students. We aim to provide an engaging and challenging curriculum that allows (all) students to achieve beyond their expectations.  To offer excellent opportunities to develop a healthy life-long love of physical activity and to develop a first-class teaching and learning environment where both staff and students enjoy working hard together to achieve success.  We want all students to feel they belong as part of a team, believe in their healthy potential and thrive physically, socially and emotionally.  We do this by developing the attitudes, skills and knowledge required to be a leader and provide memorable experiences throughout a student’s journey within Physical Education.


Students will be provided with a wide variety of opportunities and experiences throughout their time at college, challenging them both inside and outside the classroom. Throughout the years, students have the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities, that will hopefully inspire them to continue into the future. Students will develop physical, technical and tactical sporting skills; enhanced by an embedded focus on mental skills such as resilience, determination and confidence. There will be an emphasis on improving fitness in conjunction with health and well-being through knowledge and application.


The curriculum is designed for students throughout the key stages to experience differing activities that will lead to them specialising in key stage 4 but also providing those students who opt for GCSE PE a wide range of sports they can use in the exam.


We aim to ensure all students leave the school possessing the skills, motivation and knowledge to enjoy a lifelong engagement with sport and physical activity.  We trust that our broad and innovative PE curriculum will allow students to develop their love of movement and sport well beyond their time with us.

In year 7, 8 and 9 students will focus on improving their physical, social and emotional wellbeing through an engaging range of sport and physical activities. Development of student’s physical literacy is key, with students assessed on the attitudes, skills and knowledge or becoming happy, healthy and successful people through PE. This is achieved through experiencing a range of sporting activities within specific areas (invasion, net-wall, performing at maximum, accurate replication and striking and fielding). 

The main intent in key stage 3 is enjoyment, participation, performing and physical activity.


Home learning at KS3

Students are encouraged to be active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice, depending on the availability of resources, the PE activities introduced and practiced during curriculum time.

What can parents/carers do to support at home?

To emphasise the importance of mental and physical literacy

Encourage their children to attend extracurricular clubs

Discuss the benefits of physical activity

Watching sport as a family either televised or live sport. For example, The Olympics.

Encourage them to play outside and taking part in free activities. For example, Junior park run events.

In years 10 and 11 students will continue to develop their confidence, motivation, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life. This is done by ensuring lessons are both engaging and purposeful. This is achieved through experiencing a range of sporting activities within specific areas (invasion, net-wall, performing at maximum, accurate replication, non-traditional and striking and fielding). Pupils will be given the opportunity to specialise in certain sports by opting for different activities throughout the year.


Students selecting the GCSE PE pathway will be assessed through the OCR specification. This is all achieved by teaching theoretical content through and alongside high-quality practical PE. 


We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious Physical Education curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which develops physical, social and emotional well-being which prepares them well for future learning or employment. Our Physical Education curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

·         Develop a healthy life-long love of physical activity

·         Experience a first-class learning environment

·         Be part of a team, and develop this well-being

·         Experience a variety of opportunities and experience through sport and physical activity

·         Gain leadership skills

·         Develop physical, technical and tactical sporting skills

·         Enjoy coming to their PE lessons each week


Home learning at KS4

Pupils who are studying GCSE PE will be expected to complete one home learning per week.

Pupils studying core PE will not be required to complete home learning.

The PE Department use an online resource called the EverLearner. This allows pupils to complete independent study through the use of videos, practice exam questions and track their own progress identifying strengths and weaknesses.

What can parents/carers do to support at home?

Monitor via ClassCharts completion of home learning tasks.

Discussion of various current news articles related to sport.

Opportunity to watch or attend live events in sport.

Familarise yourself with the online platforms (EverLearner) for revision sessions.

Use the EverLearner to track pupil progress as this is highlighted in different topic areas.

Encourage your child to participate in physical activity using the core PE programme to find an activity they enjoy pursuing once they leave the college e.g. yoga, aerobics, gym.