Media Studies

Subject coordinator: Ms Hunter  –

The Media Studies curriculum at St Benedict’s Catholic College aims to develop our students to become critical, intelligent consumers of the media. We aim to foster an understanding of how media representations shape and influence our concepts of identity, reality and social values. Through our study of theorists and media texts, we encourage passionate, personal interaction with this vast, creative and constantly shifting industry. Lastly, we aim to empower and inspire students to express themselves through construction of creative, original and thought-provoking media products.

Over KS4 students will make a structured progression through key topics in Media Studies, balancing theoretical understanding with practical application.


The WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Media Studies offers a broad, coherent and engaging course of study which enables learners to:   

• demonstrate skills of enquiry, critical thinking, decision-making and analysis

• acquire knowledge and understanding of a range of important media issues

• develop appreciation and critical understanding of the media and their role both historically and currently in society, culture and politics 

• understand and apply specialist subject-specific terminology to analyse and compare media products and the contexts in which they are produced and consumed in order to make informed arguments, reach substantiated judgements and draw conclusions about media issues 

• appreciate how theoretical understanding supports practice and practice supports theoretical understanding 

• develop practical skills by providing opportunities for creative media production.


KS4 Assessment Process:

·         Component 1- Exploring the Media (40% Exam)

·         Component 2- Understanding Media Forms and Products (30% Exam)

·         Component 3- Creating Media Products (30% Non-Exam assessment)
An individual media production for an intended audience in response to a choice of briefs set by Eduqas, applying knowledge and understanding of media language and representation.  Year 10 students complete their coursework in the Summer Term.


What can parents/carers do to support at home?

·         Regularly watch and discuss the news

·         Read and discuss articles from The Guardian and The Sun (printed newspapers or websites)

·         Engage with programmes and podcasts that discuss the news, for e.g. The Paper review on BBC News or Sky News, News Night, Question Time, Woman’s Hour

·         Watch and discuss the adverts you see – how are audiences manipulated?

Useful links:

Today’s front pages:

Course overview: Media Studies Overview Revised 2024

Resources on the Eduqas website:*9z1by4*_ga*MTAzMTEwNzM2OS4xNjg4NDc0NzQ2*_ga_79NTFZ2DJM*MTcwODk1MDE1MC4yNS4wLjE3MDg5NTAxNzkuMzEuMC4w&_ga=2.52336687.727292624.1708950151-1031107369.1688474746