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Uniform Expectations
Please find below some helpful reminders regarding our well-established uniform expectations. You can also refer to our uniform protocol which can be found on our website under the parent link “Dressing for Excellence.”
Our college uniform policy exists to encourage “a sense of equality and cohesion where clothing is not used to highlight levels of family income, create social hierarchies or label students as members of identity groups (other than religious) since this is at odds with the culture of the college.”
Uniform Expectations:
- 1. School Shoes: Plain black flat leather (or faux leather) shoes of a formal and traditional style (no boots, trainers/sports shoes, canvas shoes or other footwear such as vans/converse/plimsolls or similar). Shoes must not display flashings or logos of any kind. Students with a medical note may be allowed to wear suitable alternatives (for a short period of time), but they will also need to be black and discrete. This should be agreed with Mrs Verhofstadt in advance of the college day.
- 2. School Skirt: Smart, pleated, grey skirt of knee length; not rolled or altered in anyway.
- 3. School Trousers: Smart, tailored, plain black trousers only. Plain style belts with small buckles are allowed.
- 4. School Jumpers: While the blazer is compulsory, an optional plain black V neck jumper (no logo) can be worn under the blazer but not instead of during colder seasons. Jumpers must not be worn during the summer term and the college will let students know each year when jumpers can and can’t be worn.
- 5. School Socks: Socks must be black, in line with uniform expectations. Socks should be ankle or knee length. Students should bring spare socks on the days they have PE if they wish to wear white socks with their sports trainers.
- 6. School Bags: All bags should be sensible and practical and have the capacity to hold textbooks, folders and equipment. Fashion bags or designer bags / handbags are not permitted. Separate PE bags are encouraged to be used.
- 7. Hairstyles: Hair or hair extensions must be a natural colour. Haircuts must not be shorter than number 2. No extreme hairstyles or colours are permitted.
- 8. Overcoats/Jackets: A plain style in a single dark colour free of markings. No fashion jackets. Hooded sweatshirts/tops should not be brought into college. Students must wear their college blazers or carry it with them during warmer weather (announcements will be made when this will come into effect).
- 9. Make up: No makeup, nail polish or false nails/eyelashes.
- 10. Jewellery / Piercings: Students are allowed to wear a single small stud in each ear. The only jewellery that is allowed is a wristwatch. Facial piercings are not permitted and will need to be removed.
Dressing in a smart and professional way prepares students for success in the wider world of further education and work. We work within the ‘St Bens sharp’ principle; ‘sharp tie’, ‘top button done up’, ‘Blazers on’, ‘skirts unrolled’, ‘shirts tucked in’.
We would like to thank you for your continued support in maintaining the high standards we expect in our college.
Yours faithfully,
Mr G Muttock
Assistant Principal
Online Safety
As children all over the country return to school, it is important to ensure that they are safe online as they will be using apps and information from the internet on a regular basis.
We hope that you will find the information detailed below useful, and should you have any concerns about interactions that your child is engaging in online, please contact a member of our safeguarding team, and we will be happy to advise you.
Our Safeguarding Team:
- Mrs M Davis – Assistant Principal
- Mrs S Pavey – Pastoral Lead
- Miss R Wilson – Pastoral Lead
Monitoring Your Child Online and Advice for Parents/Carers:
Step-by-step instructions for setting up a child’s email on a Google account can be found at: Google Support
Advice for parents/carers regarding online risks can be found in a variety of places online, but we think the following websites are particularly useful:
Setting Up Devices:
There are many different settings and devices to be aware of as a parent/carer, and sometimes finding help in terms of monitoring these can be tricky. The ‘Internet Matters’ website has a range of useful guides to help and support parents/carers in this – please find some of them below:
Social Media:
Social media is often a minefield in terms of privacy settings and interactions online. Generally, all privacy settings have to be actively set up, rather than being automatically enabled when an account is created, and this changes frequently as platforms such as TikTok update their features. This clearly requires parents/carers to be vigilant about the social media that their children are engaging with. Please discuss this with your child so they can understand the dangers and the safety measures that you are protecting them with.
Help and support with this can be found here: Internet Matters - Social Media
Parental knowledge of games and their online world is often much less than their children. There is a lot of peer pressure on children to be part of certain games online, and the website ‘Taming Gaming’ can provide some insight and support for parents/carers at home.
We do hope that you find this information to be of use and please do not hesitate to contact any member of the safeguarding or pastoral teams should you wish to discuss anything further.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs M Davis
Assistant Principal – Safeguarding
College Attendance Updates – 2024-25
I am writing to you because the Department of Education (DfE) has introduced new guidance for Schools and Local Authorities (LAs) for managing school attendance. They have also introduced a new national framework for penalty notices and amended the law. These changes came into effect from 19th August 2024, and all schools and colleges across the country will be expected to follow the new statutory guidance.
Support First
The importance of regular attendance at college cannot be stressed enough. All schools are expected to promote good attendance and provide support if a child is not attending regularly. This may mean that we raise the issue of attendance even if your child has only had a couple of days off ill. This is not because we don’t believe you, but because working with you, we can step in early to help prevent patterns of absence from developing. Together, we may identify other underlying issues that are making your child reluctant to attend college and be able to help you and your child. For this to be successful, we need to work together.
National Framework for Penalty Notices
To provide consistency, the Government has introduced a new national framework for unauthorised absence. The threshold for when a school should consider next steps is 10 sessions (5 college days) of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 college weeks. (A school week means any week in which there is at least one possible session of attendance.) This can be made up of any form of unauthorised absence including term-time holidays, late after close (attendance code U) of register (9:30 am), and odd days of unauthorised absence (attendance code O) which add up to 5 days within a 10-week period.
At this point, the College will consider if it is likely that the attendance will improve with further support. They may then decide to refer the case to the LA for formal monitoring. This may proceed to legal action if the attendance does not improve.
Education Penalty Notices are issued to parents of statutory school age children. They can be issued to each parent or carer who is deemed liable for the child’s absence from college. The new costs and process are outlined below:
- First Offence: The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for Term Time Leave or Irregular Attendance, the amount will be: £160 per parent, per child paid within 28 days. Reduced to £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days.
- Second Offence (within 3 years): The second time a Penalty Notice is issued for Term Time Leave or Irregular Attendance, the amount will be: £160 per parent, per child paid within 28 days.
- Third Offence and Any Further Offences (within 3 years): The third time an offence is committed for Term Time Leave or Irregular Attendance, a Penalty Notice will not be issued, and the case will be presented straight to the Magistrates’ Court.
Term Time Holidays
Pupils should not be taken out of college during term time unless it is unavoidable. Schools are required to consider requests for leave of absence in term time and should only approve the leave if there are exceptional circumstances. If a request for leave is denied and the student is absent for 5 days or more, then the College is expected to refer the case to the LA.
The LA will issue a penalty notice with no requirement for a formal warning to be issued. Penalty notices can also be issued where a student is absent for repeated incidents of unauthorised leave in term time that fall below the 5-day threshold. In every case, the request for the Penalty Notice comes in from the College to the LA for the process to be completed.
New Registration Codes
The DfE have amended some of the codes to include numbers as well as letters. These new codes are to enable Schools / Colleges, LA and the DfE to better understand the reasons for absence. For example:
- Code C: Leave of absence for exceptional circumstance.
- Code C1: Leave of absence for the purpose of participating in a regulated performance.
The important thing for you as a parent/carer is still the C code which means that the absence was authorised.
There is also a new code which has been introduced for students who are on the College roll but are temporarily being provided with an alternative education by the local authority, such as a home tutor.
- Code K: Attending education provision arranged by the local authority.
Full details of all of the changes can be found by visiting the Government webpage: Government Guidance on College Attendance
Many thanks for your support in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Mr G Muttock
Assistant Principal
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are writing to seek your support in addressing a matter of significant concern regarding the interactions of our students with social media creators outside of college premises.
It has come to our attention that some creators are engaging with students and subsequently posting content that is inappropriate and potentially harmful. Such actions not only cast the students in a negative light but also risk bringing our college into disrepute.
You may recall we drew your attention to the activities of a social media creator known as @younghakzz in last week’s newsletter. This individual has been reported on multiple occasions for asking students questions of a violent and sexual nature. These incidents have been brought to the attention of the Colchester police.
We urge you to speak with your children about the importance of avoiding interactions with such individuals and to reinforce the need for caution when engaging with social media. Furthermore, please be aware that if a student features in such videos whilst wearing our uniform and makes negative references to other students or staff, this will be addressed in accordance with our behaviour policy.
We take these matters very seriously in order to maintain a respectful and safe environment for everyone at our college. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Together, we can ensure a safe and respectful environment for all our students.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
As part of your child’s curriculum experience this year, certain aspects of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) will be taught in RE, Science and PSHE lessons in all year groups.
RSE Policy
Our Relationships and Sex Education policy outlines the principles underpinning our lessons on these topics. Please find a link to the policy here: RSE Policy
Curriculum Guidelines
The programmes of study for RE and PSHE have been designed in accordance with the Curriculum Directory issued by the Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales and the PSHE Association and are appropriate for students’ age and maturity. We have followed closely the guidance given by the Brentwood Diocese in constructing our schemes of work. The teaching of the Roman Catholic Church informs our Sex Education programme in line with the college policy regarding such matters.
Parental Rights
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from some Sex Education lessons after a discussion with the Principal. If you wish to exercise this right, please complete the electronic form here: Electronic Form.
There is no need to respond to the form if you wish your child to receive Relationships and Sex Education.
Year 7
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you about the content of English lessons and English home learning for year 7 students as well as the pedagogy that underpins our approach.
At St Benedict’s, we begin year 7 with a ‘fast-read’ of a fiction book. This approach is based on recent research from the University of Sussex, which involved English teachers reading novels at a faster pace than usual in 12 weeks. The researchers found that, as a result of this, students made 8.5 months’ average progress, with poorer readers making 16 months’ progress.
Students’ reading age is something that we continuously work on improving in all year groups. This is important to access GCSEs in all subjects. Students need a reading age of 15 years and 8 months to be able to fully access their GCSE papers in all subjects, including maths!
One significant change from primary to secondary school is the volume of non-fiction texts students will read in almost every subject. This is a contributing consideration to the English department’s choice of the fiction novel – October, October by Katya Balen – to help your child with their transition into secondary school. You can read more about the way the study was successful here.
Your child might also talk to you about:
Home Learning
Whilst we are fast reading in class, students will be set home learning tasks that link to October, October. These will be creative or reflective tasks that might ask students to give their opinion or create something in response to the novel, its characters and the ideas. This will normally take no more than 30 minutes per week. In addition, all students are expected to complete 30 minutes careful reading per fortnight using Sparx Reader – this is part of our whole school literacy approach.
Library Lessons
Year 7 students will spend one of their lessons per fortnight in our college Library where they will be expected to read independently as well as regularly being provided with the opportunity to read aloud to a member of our support staff. Students may bring in a book from home to read for this lesson or they can borrow books from the wide selection we have available.
The 200 Word Challenge
We use one of our fortnightly lessons to complete ‘The 200 Word Challenge’ - students are given a brief for a piece of writing – it could be fiction or non-fiction. They are asked to try to write 200 words in 25 minutes, building their stamina, confidence and knowledge of a range of genres and forms.
We would encourage you to talk to your child about what they are reading and writing. Furthermore, ask your child to read it out loud to you at home to practise their reading accuracy and auracy. Making confident readers is the bedrock of being successful students.
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact your child’s English teacher, or me directly at
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Bishop
Head of Communication Faculty
The college are delighted to offer year 7 students the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. It is our intention to take students to Mersea Outdoors centre for outdoor learning, enabling them to experience a wider range of physical activities. Here, students will be led by fully qualified instructors while enjoying a range of activities from; climbing, swimming, high ropes, low ropes, aerial runway, archery, mountain biking, all terrain boarding, adventure courses and various team building activities. The opportunity will provide students with an excellent insight into activities that they may not have experienced before, allowing them to learn new skills. Students will also be developing team building and social skills throughout the entire experience.
The total cost per student for the visit will be £205 which includes board, lodging and activities which is chargeable to parents. Although part of this cost is a voluntary contribution, I do need to point out that it is probable that the visit will not take place unless all parents, who are able, are willing to contribute by the deadline given. Should the college cancel the visit, a full refund will be made, however all monies are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself. Our preferred method of payment is using the Parent Pay website, where you can pay online using your credit or debit card.
In order to finalise our booking with Mersea Outdoors it is essential that we know the number of students who would like to take part. Therefore, we would be grateful if you could discuss the above mentioned trip with your child. If you would like your child to attend the trip please complete consent and other required information along with a non-refundable deposit of £45, to be paid via ParentPay by 30th November 2024.
The college would not want the cost to prevent any student from attending. If you are concerned about meeting the cost of the trip please contact the Year 7 Pastoral Lead Mrs F Jennings by 15th November 2024 to apply for financial assistance.
You will receive confirmation of your child’s place on the trip and details of four further instalments of £45 to be paid in accordance with the following schedule:
£40 by 31st December 2024
£40 by 31st January 2025
£40 by 29th February 2025
£40 by 28th March 2025
By applying for this trip, the college expects that parents feel that their child has the necessary sense of responsibility and general maturity to conduct themselves in a safe and appropriate
manner throughout the duration of the trip. The college reserves the right to refuse any student a place if their conduct in the future, leading up to the trip, is unacceptable.
Below is a preliminary outline of the trip details:
▪ VENUE: Mersea Outdoor Centre, East Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8SX
▪ DATES: Monday 7th July – Wednesday 9th July 2025
▪ TRAVEL: Parents are required to drop off and collect students
directly from Mersea Outdoor Centre.
This is to ensure that the trip costs are kept to a minimum. It is anticipated that students will need dropping off on Monday 7th July at 8.45 am and collecting on Wednesday 9th July at 3.00 pm.
▪ AGENDA: Three days of activities and two nights camping.
Equipment list to follow
• COST: £205 An initial deposit of £45 will be required to secure the booking.
If the trip is oversubscribed, a random ballot will be held to determine which students are offered places.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me at St Benedict’s College.
Year 8
Dear Parent/Carer,
Sparx Reader
As part of St Benedict’s whole college literacy strategy, we have once again partnered with Sparx Reader. Students will be using the platform weekly to enhance their reading ability and literacy skills.
From Friday 13th September, your child will use Sparx Reader to complete weekly reading. Your child’s home learning will be set on Friday at 9.00 am and due the following Friday at 9.00 am each week. This will be in addition to any other home learning for English lessons.
Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building the vital literacy skills needed to access KS3 curriculums and GCSE exam papers in every subject.
Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level. As they read, they will answer questions to check they are reading carefully. Careful readers earn points meaning they can track their progress and climb the league table!
Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader status, which means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning its barcode.
How do they log in?
- Students log in at on any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer using their college Microsoft 365 account.
What devices are supported?
- Your child can access Sparx Reader on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.
- Sparx Reader clubs are currently run on Tuesday from 8:00 am to 8:45 am in Room 6 and on Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm in the Library.
How can I support my child with their reading?
- Sparx Reader adapts to each student’s reading level, so it’s important that you do not help by answering questions for them. If you help them, Sparx Reader might think they are a very strong reader and display books that are too difficult.
- You can help to provide a quiet space for your child to focus on their reading each week.
- Encourage your child to read their book aloud to you.
- The best way to support your child is to ask them about the book they are reading; discuss what aspects they are enjoying or what characters and events they have recently read about.
If you require any further information or have any questions, please contact me by email at
Yours faithfully,
Mrs C Hunter
Teacher of English & Literacy Coordinator
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 8 History Trip to the Imperial War Museum, London – Tuesday 18th March 2025 – Form Groups S T B
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a visit to the Imperial War Museum for year 8 students to complement their 20th-century history unit. The visit will include guided tours around the museum, as well as a documentary challenge where students will have the opportunity to use the museum's resources to create their own mini historical documentaries!
Students will travel to London by coach, which will leave college at 7:30 am and should arrive back at college around 5:30 pm depending on traffic. The total cost of the visit will be £35.50 per student. This covers the cost of coach travel, entrance to the museum, and the documentary challenge. Should the college cancel the visit, a full refund will be made; however, all monies are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself.
If you would like your child to take part, please pay using ParentPay by Friday 29th November 2024. If we do not receive sufficient interest and payment for the trip by the deadline, it is probable that the trip will not go ahead. Consent will be completed as part of the ParentPay process. The maximum number of places available is 60, and should the trip be oversubscribed, places will be allocated by ballot. The college reserves the right to refuse any student a place if their conduct leading up to the trip is unacceptable.
The college would not want the cost to prevent any student from attending. If you feel that you are in such a position, please contact your child’s pastoral lead within one week of receiving this letter, and we will endeavour to assist so that all students have an opportunity to attend.
Students need to wear college uniform and should bring a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Students will need to bring a packed lunch; this will be provided for students in receipt of free school meals.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to gain a real insight into some aspects of war in the 20th century.
If you have any queries regarding this trip, please email or call the college office on 01206 549222.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs J Ment
Teacher of History
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 8 History Trip to the Imperial War Museum, London – Thursday 3rd April 2025 – Form Groups E N D
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a visit to the Imperial War Museum for year 8 students to complement their 20th-century history unit. The visit will include guided tours around the museum, as well as a documentary challenge where students will have the opportunity to use the museum's resources to create their own mini historical documentaries!
Students will travel to London by coach, which will leave college at 7:30 am and should arrive back at college around 5:30 pm depending on traffic. The total cost of the visit will be £35.50 per student. This covers the cost of coach travel, entrance to the museum, and the documentary challenge. Should the college cancel the visit, a full refund will be made; however, all monies are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself.
If you would like your child to take part, please pay using ParentPay by Friday 29th November 2024. If we do not receive sufficient interest and payment for the trip by the deadline, it is probable that the trip will not go ahead. Consent will be completed as part of the ParentPay process. The maximum number of places available is 60, and should the trip be oversubscribed, places will be allocated by ballot. The college reserves the right to refuse any student a place if their conduct leading up to the trip is unacceptable.
The college would not want the cost to prevent any student from attending. If you feel that you are in such a position, please contact your child’s pastoral lead within one week of receiving this letter, and we will endeavour to assist so that all students have an opportunity to attend.
Students need to wear college uniform and should bring a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Students will need to bring a packed lunch; this will be provided for students in receipt of free school meals.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to gain a real insight into some aspects of war in the 20th century.
If you have any queries regarding this trip, please email or call the college office on 01206 549222.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs J Ment
Teacher of History
Dear Year 8 Parents/Carers and Students,
Year 8 Parent Communication
In anticipation of the Year 8 virtual parents evening tomorrow, we would like to give you a short update on the year 8 learning journey. With this in mind, Ms Chase has created an informational video that covers crucial topics such as:
· Year 8 virtual parents evening
· Home learning
· Year 8 Pathways
Year 8 Parents Evening Information Video
The Pathway blocks will be shared with students early next week as part of their Pathways selection process. The composition of the blocks is directly influenced by timetabling restrictions, staff availability and student demand.
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us using the college email address: and your query will be directed to the appropriate member of staff.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening and working together to support your child's success!
Mr P Cretu
Assistant Principal
Year 9
Sparx Reader
As part of St Benedict’s whole college literacy strategy, we have once again partnered with Sparx Reader. Students will be using the platform weekly to enhance their reading ability and literacy skills.
From Friday 13th September, your child will use Sparx Reader to complete weekly reading. Your child’s home learning will be set on Friday at 9.00 am and due the following Friday at 9.00 am each week. This will be in addition to any other home learning for English lessons.
Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building the vital literacy skills needed to access KS3 curriculums and GCSE exam papers in every subject.
Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level. As they read, they will answer questions to check they are reading carefully. Careful readers earn points meaning they can track their progress and climb the league table!
Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader which means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning its barcode.
How do they log in?
- Students log in at on any smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer using their college Microsoft 365 account.
What devices are supported?
- Your child can access Sparx Reader on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.
- Sparx Reader clubs are currently run on Tuesday at 8.00 am - 8.45 am in Room 6 and on Thursday at 3.30 pm - 4.15 pm in the Library.
How can I support my child with their reading?
- Sparx Reader adapts to each student’s reading level, so it’s important that you do not help by answering questions for them. If you help them, Sparx Reader might think they are a very strong reader and display books that are too difficult.
- You can help to provide a quiet space for your child to focus on their reading each week.
- Encourage your child to read their book aloud to you.
- The best way to support your child is to ask them about the book they are reading; what aspects they are enjoying, or what characters and events they have recently read about.
If you require any further information or have any questions, please contact me by email at
Yours faithfully,
Mrs C Hunter
Teacher of English & Literacy Coordinator
Trip to Wembley Arena, London for Flame congress 2025, Saturday 15th March 2025
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a trip to Flame congress which takes place in the Wembley Arena, London. The event is run by Cymfed (the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation) and is the largest gathering of young Catholics in England and Wales. The event will combine moments of prayer and reflection with talks from motivational speakers and live music performances.
Students will travel to Wembley Arena by coach which will leave college at 8.00am and should arrive back to college around 8.30 pm depending on traffic. The trip will cost £13.50 per student and has been heavily subsidised by the college.
If you would like your child to take part in this visit, please complete the parental consent and medical form, which are available via ParentPay, by Friday 31st January 2025.
The trip is limited to 26 students. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Students may wear non-uniform as it is a weekend trip and should bring a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Your child will also require a packed lunch. There will be a small amount of food and drink available to purchase in the Arena but a packed lunch and a water bottle is recommended.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to engage in their faith more fully and share in this experience with thousands of other young Catholics.
16th January 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 9 Art and design and Technology trip to Victoria and Albert museum Monday 17th March 2025
We are very pleased to inform you that we are planning a trip to both The Victoria and Albert Museum on Monday 17th March 2025.
The total cost of the trip will be £34.50. This covers the cost of transport to and from college on the day as entrance to the public collections in the galleries is free. Students will have the day to explore the different collections, using this as an opportunity to collect resources by taking photographs and making sketches for their coursework and design principal studies with firsthand experiences. I am confident the trip will be an exciting and rewarding experience for the students and will give them the opportunity to gain valuable experience of Art and Design work and developing their understating of visual culture.
We will depart St Benedict’s at 8.00 am by coach and return to college by 4.30 pm. Should the college cancel the trip, a full refund will be made, however all monies paid are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself.
If you would like your child to take part, please pay using ParentPay by Friday 7th February 2025. If we do not receive sufficient interest and payment for the trip by the deadline, it is probable that the trip will not be able to go ahead. Consent will be completed as part of the ParentPay process. There are limited places available, therefore, it is advised to sign up promptly in order to secure a place on the trip. If more students apply for places than places are available, places will be allocated by a random ballot.
If you will find it difficult to pay at this time, please contact your child’s pastoral lead within one week of receiving this letter and we will endeavour to assist so that all students can avail themselves of this enrichment opportunity.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch. Students entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch. Time will be allowed during the afternoon to visit the gallery shop. Students wishing to make purchases may bring with them a small amount of money to spend, no more than £10 please. Students are to wear full college uniform for the day including school shoes.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Stewart-Thomas
Head of Art, Design and Technology
Dear Parent/Carer,
There is nothing more important than protecting your child’s health. An important way you can do this is to make sure that they receive all of their recommended vaccinations.
Your child is now due the final vaccinations to complete their childhood immunisation schedule. They are due to have two injections, one in each upper arm. The first is their Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio teenage booster and the second is a vaccine to protect them against Meningitis strains ACWY.
We are looking forward to visiting your child’s school on: 28th February 2025. Please provide your consent by 26th February 2025.
It is also important to check that your child has received two doses of the MMR vaccine to protect them against Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Measles is a highly infectious disease that spreads easily in a community unless there are high vaccination levels. If your child contracts Measles, they are at risk of serious complications including deafness, pneumonia, and swelling of the brain. If your child has not received two doses of MMR please contact us on 0300 790 0597 to arrange an appointment.
More information about these diseases and the vaccinations to protect against them are available here:
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio: Td/IPV vaccine (3-in-1 teenage booster) - NHS
- Meningitis ACWY: MenACWY vaccine - NHS
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella: MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - NHS
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the vaccines with a nurse, please do not hesitate to contact your local immunisation team on 0300 790 0597.
Yours faithfully,
The Immunisation Team
As part of the preparations for our upcoming trip to France, I would like to invite you to an information meeting for parents/carers and students on Wednesday 29th January at 6.00 pm in the Manning Hall to give you information regarding the travel arrangements and itinerary for our trip to the Opal Coast in March. We will also be able to give advice about pocket money and what to pack.
Please could I remind you to ensure that you have made payments for the trip, provided all information concerning dietary requirements / medical details / emergency contact numbers and that your son/daughter’s passport and GHIC/EHIC Health Card are up to date.
We kindly ask that you check your child's passport to ensure it meets the necessary requirements:
1. Passport Issue Date: Please ensure that the issue date of your child's passport is less than 10 years from our date of departure to France (Monday, 10th March 2024).
2. Validity: Your child's passport must also be valid for at least three months beyond the date of departure from France (Friday, 14th March 2024).
If your child does not hold a UK passport, they may require a visa to enter France. Please ensure that you contact the French Consulate for more information and to arrange this, if necessary.
Since all students are required to have their own valid passport, please bring your child’s passport to the information evening so that we can make a copy for our records.
If you require any further information at this stage please contact me at the college.
24th February 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 9 Religious Education/Chaplaincy: Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine of Walsingham – 13th May (STB) or 14th May (END) 2025.
We are delighted to inform you that we are planning a pilgrimage for Year 9 students to the Catholic Parish of Walsingham on the 13th May 2025 (9STB), in this special Jubilee Year, which carries the theme of hope. This year also marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a significant moment in Christian history, which shaped core beliefs held across different denominations. As part of this spirit of ecumenism, the pilgrimage will include visits to various Christian places of worship.
Furthermore, as May is the month of Mary, this pilgrimage serves as both a spiritual and educational journey devoted to Our Lady, deepening students' understanding of her role in Christian theology. The visit will allow them to engage in meaningful acts of devotion and reflection, fostering both personal faith and academic enrichment.
The total cost of the trip will be £34.15, covering transport to and from the College and a guided tour of the four churches within the Catholic Parish of Walsingham. The itinerary will include:
· A Pilgrim’s Mass with, time permitting, the opportunity of Confession beforehand.
· A focus on the significance of Mary as the Mother of Christ and the Annunciation within Catholic theology.
· The visit of different Christian denominations’ churches: Orthodox, Methodist, Anglo-Catholic (Anglican) as well as a Catholic church and the National Basilica.
· A guided tour of the Anglo-Catholic Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.
· Activities designed to support students’ understanding of key theological concepts, which will be explored further at GCSE level.
We are confident that this pilgrimage will be a profound and rewarding experience, allowing students to deepen their faith, explore Christian unity, and appreciate the role of pilgrimage in the Catholic tradition.
We will depart St Benedict’s at 8.00 am by coach and return to college at 5.30 pm. Should the College cancel the trip, a full refund will be provided. However, all monies are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself.
If you would like your child to take part, please make payment via ParentPay by 10th March 2025. If we do not receive sufficient interest and payment for the trip by the deadline, the trip may not be able to proceed. Consent will be completed as part of the ParentPay process. The maximum number of places available is 50 students for each day. If oversubscribed, places will be allocated by ballot. The college reserves the right to refuse any student a place if their conduct leading up to the trip is deemed unacceptable.
The College does not want financial constraints to prevent any student from attending. If you require assistance, please contact your child’s pastoral lead within one week of receiving this letter, and we will endeavour to provide support. Students will need to bring a packed lunch; this will be provided for those in receipt of free school meals.
Students are to wear the College’s uniform.
If you have any queries regarding this trip, please email or call the College office on 01206 549222.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Myers/Mr J Lammens/Mr T Fusi
RE Teacher/Acting Head of RE/ Lay Chaplin
St Benedicts Catholic College
Year 10
As part of St Benedict’s whole college literacy strategy, we have once again partnered with Sparx Reader. Students will be using the platform weekly to enhance their reading ability and literacy skills.
From Friday 13th September, your child will use Sparx Reader to complete weekly reading. Your child’s home learning will be set on Friday at 9.00 am and due the following Friday at 9.00 am each week. This will be in addition to any other home learning for English lessons.
Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building the vital literacy skills needed to access KS3 curriculums and GCSE exam papers in every subject.
Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level. As they read, they will answer questions to check they are reading carefully. Careful readers earn points, meaning they can track their progress and climb the league table!
Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader, which means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning its barcode.
How do they log in?
- Students log in at on any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer using their college Microsoft 365 account.
What devices are supported?
- Your child can access Sparx Reader on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.
- Sparx Reader clubs are currently run on Tuesday at 8.00 am - 8.45 am in Room 6 and on Thursday at 3.30 pm - 4.15 pm in the Library.
How can I support my child with their reading?
- Sparx Reader adapts to each student’s reading level, so it’s important that you do not help by answering questions for them. If you help them, Sparx Reader might think they are a very strong reader and display books that are too difficult.
- You can help to provide a quiet space for your child to focus on their reading each week.
- Encourage your child to read their book aloud to you.
- The best way to support your child is to ask them about the book they are reading; what aspects they are enjoying, or what characters and events they have recently read about.
If you require any further information or have any questions, please contact me by email at
Yours faithfully,
Mrs C Hunter
Teacher of English & Literacy Coordinator
Trip to Wembley Arena, London for Flame congress 2025, Saturday 15th March 2025
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a trip to Flame congress which takes place in the Wembley Arena, London. The event is run by Cymfed (the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation) and is the largest gathering of young Catholics in England and Wales. The event will combine moments of prayer and reflection with talks from motivational speakers and live music performances.
Students will travel to Wembley Arena by coach which will leave college at 8.00am and should arrive back to college around 8.30 pm depending on traffic. The trip will cost £13.50 per student and has been heavily subsidised by the college.
If you would like your child to take part in this visit, please complete the parental consent and medical form, which are available via ParentPay, by Friday 31st January 2025.
The trip is limited to 26 students. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Students may wear non-uniform as it is a weekend trip and should bring a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Your child will also require a packed lunch. There will be a small amount of food and drink available to purchase in the Arena but a packed lunch and a water bottle is recommended.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to engage in their faith more fully and share in this experience with thousands of other young Catholics.
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 10 GCSE history trip to Centre of Experimental Military Archaeology (CEMA) World War 1 Trench Experience on 12th June 2025.
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a visit to the CEMA WW1 Trench Experience for our Year10 GCSE history students to complement the Paper 1 study of medicine and treatment in the British Sector of the Western Front. Escorted by experienced guides, some in uniform, students will undertake an immersive experience of trench life, which includes a look inside a dugout, a walk through the trench itself, a demonstration of kit and equipment (including genuine artefacts) as well as an explanation of rations, how soldiers managed to cook and how they survived trench conditions. It’s a great way for students to really experience the damp and claustrophobic conditions of trench life.
On 12th June 2025, students will travel to CEMA by coach which will leave college at 7.45 am and should arrive back to college around 4.00 pm depending on traffic. The total cost of the visit will be £48.50 per student. This covers the cost of coach travel and the experience at the Centre. Should the college cancel the visit, a full refund will be made, however all monies are non-refundable should you cancel the place yourself.
If the trip is oversubscribed a random ballot will be undertaken, the ballot outcome is final. If any space becomes available the next student on the ballot list will be offered the place. Contact will be made as soon as possible by the Trips and Cover Manager.
If you would like your child to take part in this visit, please pay £48.50 by 28th February 2025. This can be paid in two instalments, please see ParentPay for details. The parental consent and medical form, which are available via ParentPay, also need to be completed.
The college would not want the cost to prevent any student from attending. If you feel that you are in such a position, please contact your child’s pastoral lead before 30th November 2024 and we will endeavour to assist.
The students will spend the day outside and should wear suitable clothing and footwear to prepare for inclement weather. Please also bring a waterproof jacket in case of rain. Your child will also require a packed lunch. Students entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to gain a real insight into the experiences of soldiers in WW1, which will support and enhance their GCSE knowledge.
Yours faithfully
Mrs K Wallis
Head of Humanities
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are pleased to inform you that your child has successfully gained a place on this year’s Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at St Benedict’s College. For those unfamiliar with the scheme, you can learn more about its origins and ethos by visiting The program is based on a partnership between the college, students, and parents, with the aim of fostering self-esteem, independence, and confidence in young people.
The award consists of four key sections: Physical, Skill, Volunteering, and Expedition. During the first few sessions, we will work together to build a tailored program for each student that aligns with their current interests and pursuits. Many students already participate in activities that can count toward the award. For each activity, students need to identify an assessor (who cannot be a family member) to provide a report at the end of the specified period. Two of these activities should last three months, while one should extend over six months.
Training sessions will be held on Wednesday afternoons, with details communicated to your child via email. These sessions will focus on team-building, monitoring the Physical, Skill, and Volunteering sections, and preparing for the expedition (map reading, first aid, cooking, and campcraft).
The award requires both a practice expedition in late spring and an assessed expedition in the summer term. For the Bronze level, this involves walking approximately 24 km over two days, with an overnight stay in a tent, while being entirely self-sufficient. The estimated total cost of the award, including a welcome pack, eDofE login, and both practice and qualifying expeditions, is £130. Each expedition (practice and assessed) will cost approximately £50, covering insurance, campsite fees, and the support of county supervisors and assessors. The practice expedition will take place on the weekend of 26-27 April 2025, and the qualifying expedition on 28-29 June 2025. Please note that students must attend the required training sessions to participate in an expedition.
To confirm your child’s place, please make the initial payment of £30 via ParentPay by Friday 13th December 2024. This covers the welcome booklet, eDofE licence and also serves as your consent for your child’s participation in the award.
The school will provide tents, Trangia cooking stoves, maps, map cases, and compasses for the expeditions. With birthdays and Christmas approaching, a rucksack or a pair of walking boots could make a worthwhile gift.
We look forward to working with your child on this exciting journey. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to write to
Dear Parent/Carer
2025 Summer Pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS)
This summer, BCYS will be taking a group of young people from across the diocese on pilgrimage to Lourdes in the south of France. Lourdes is a place of deep spiritual significance for Catholics worldwide and has become a popular pilgrimage destination for those seeking prayer, healing and community. This year holds even greater importance on pilgrimage as the Catholic church celebrates the Jubilee Year, titled “Pilgrims of Hope.”
On this pilgrimage, students will have the opportunity not only to grow spiritually but also to serve others. They will work alongside other young people from across the Diocese, supporting the elderly and those in need during their pilgrimage to Lourdes. It’s a great opportunity not only to meet other young Catholics from across Essex, but also to deepen their understanding of their own faith.
Key details are as follows:
· Dates: Saturday 19th July – Saturday 26th July 2025
· Cost: £760
· Travel and Accommodation: They will travel by coach and will be staying in a hotel.
· Eligibility: Open to all Year 10 and 11 students
If you are worried about the cost, there are various financial support options available:
· The Jack Petchey award have a grant available which has typically been up to £200
· The Catenian Association have previously granted between £50 and £100 per person
· The BCYS do have a Bursary Fund available, in which they can offer up to 30% of the total cost (around £200)
· Young people are encouraged to hold fundraising events which the college can support.
We strongly encourage students to take part in this incredible opportunity to grow in faith, develop new friendships, and make a difference in the lives of others. To find out more information and to apply for a place on this pilgrimage, go to
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email;
Yours faithfully
Mr T Fusi
Lay Chaplain
Year 11
Dear Parent/Carer,
Sparx Reader
As part of St Benedict’s whole college literacy strategy, we have once again partnered with Sparx Reader. Students will be using the platform weekly to enhance their reading ability and literacy skills.
Weekly Reading Schedule
From Friday 13th September, your child will use Sparx Reader to complete weekly reading. Your child’s home learning will be set on Friday at 9.00 am and due the following Friday at 9.00 am each week. This will be in addition to any other home learning for English lessons.
Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building the vital literacy skills needed to access KS3 curriculums and GCSE exam papers in every subject.
Reading Progress and Motivation
Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level. As they read, they will answer questions to check they are reading carefully. Careful readers earn points, meaning they can track their progress and climb the league table!
Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader, which means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning its barcode.
How do they log in?
- Students log in at on any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer using their college Microsoft 365 account.
What devices are supported?
- Your child can access Sparx Reader on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.
- Sparx Reader clubs are currently run on Tuesday at 8.00 am - 8.45 am in Room 6 and on Thursday at 3.30 pm - 4.15 pm in the Library.
How can I support my child with their reading?
- Sparx Reader adapts to each student’s reading level, so it’s important that you do not help by answering questions for them. If you help them, Sparx Reader might think they are a very strong reader and display books that are too difficult.
- You can help to provide a quiet space for your child to focus on their reading each week.
- Encourage your child to read their book aloud to you.
- The best way to support your child is to ask them about the book they are reading; what aspects they are enjoying, or what characters and events they have recently read about.
If you require any further information or have any questions, please contact me by email at
Yours faithfully,
Mrs C Hunter
Teacher of English & Literacy Co-ordinator
Year 11 - Passport to Prom
In assembly this week, we introduced Passport to Prom to our Year 11 students.
We encouraged our students to make the most of this academic year and urged them to regard their prom as a celebration at the end of the academic year, having given their utmost during Year 11 and in their mock and GCSE examinations.
We also reminded them that success at GCSE is best achieved with a positive attitude and a commitment to study both at home and in college. We feel this is the perfect time to launch this support programme to ensure that the weeks between November mocks and the Christmas break are as meaningful and purposeful as possible.
The passport will recognize and reward the achievements and efforts of our students during their remaining time at St Benedict’s, giving them the opportunity to take part in this special event. As a parent/carer, you can monitor their progress via our Class Charts app. Students must have an overall positive point score in order to attend prom. Form tutors and class teachers will encourage students to work to the best of their abilities.
Year 11 students can earn ‘prom’ points by:
- Being on time to morning registration, all lessons, and mock exams
- Regularly attending period six revision classes
- Meeting deadlines for homework learning
- Timely and successful completion of coursework and non-examined assessment (NEA)
- Going above and beyond in their revision
- Ensuring their attendance is as good as possible (95%+)
Note: Any serious breach of our behaviour code could result in a student’s prom passport being revoked. The criteria for the ‘Passport to Prom’ will be measured from Monday 11th November 2024 up until students begin their GCSE exams. All Year 11 students will start afresh regarding attendance and behaviour points from this date to give them every chance to succeed. Final decisions regarding attendance to the prom will be made by the Principal, and individual circumstances will always be taken into consideration.
We wish all our Year 11 students the very best for their final months here, and we hope they achieve the goals they have set for themselves. If you have any questions, please contact either of us here at the college.
Please click on this link to confirm you have read and understood the above information. Responses must be received by Monday 2nd December.
Yours faithfully,
Mr T Martin
RSL – Year 11
Mrs A Verhofstadt
Director of Achievement and Behaviour
The JCQ states: “The designation of a ‘contingency day’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations. It is part of the awarding bodies’ contingency planning for examinations”.
The Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ) have released their key dates for 2025 and have set the following contingency days:
Wednesday 11th June 2025 (Afternoon Session)
Wednesday 25th June 2025 (All day)
Wednesday 25th June 2025 is also the last date that any exam can take place should one have to be moved from its original date or time.
Students are advised to stay available up to and including Wednesday 25th June 2025 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.
To view the full GCSE examination timetable for Summer 2025 please visit the exams page on the college website. Students will not receive their individual timetables until March/April 2025.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 01206 516836.
Yours faithfully
Ms Carly Adams
Trip to Wembley Arena, London for Flame congress 2025, Saturday 15th March 2025
We are very pleased to inform you that we have organised a trip to Flame congress which takes place in the Wembley Arena, London. The event is run by Cymfed (the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation) and is the largest gathering of young Catholics in England and Wales. The event will combine moments of prayer and reflection with talks from motivational speakers and live music performances.
Students will travel to Wembley Arena by coach which will leave college at 8.00am and should arrive back to college around 8.30 pm depending on traffic. The trip will cost £13.50 per student and has been heavily subsidised by the college.
If you would like your child to take part in this visit, please complete the parental consent and medical form, which are available via ParentPay, by Friday 31st January 2025.
The trip is limited to 26 students. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Students may wear non-uniform as it is a weekend trip and should bring a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Your child will also require a packed lunch. There will be a small amount of food and drink available to purchase in the Arena but a packed lunch and a water bottle is recommended.
I am sure that the visit will be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child and that it will give them the opportunity to engage in their faith more fully and share in this experience with thousands of other young Catholics.
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Leavers’ information
Leavers’ Mass – Wednesday 30th April 2025
We are delighted to invite you to your child’s final family Mass, the leavers’ Mass. This celebration will take place on Wednesday 30th April 2025 from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Refreshments will be available afterwards.
At this Mass we will be celebrating our time together at St Benedict’s while celebrating the partnership between students, teachers and parents/carers that has become the ‘class of 2025’. College musicians and choir will be providing the musical accompaniment. As well as celebrating the past, we will be looking to the future and preparing spiritually for the examination season.
Please note that students should be in correct college uniform and we would be grateful if all guests for this special occasion be seated in the Manning Hall by 5.55 pm at the latest.
Please complete the online form here by Friday 14th February 2025.
Prom – Friday 11th July 2025
The prom is the final chance for our students to see each other, say their goodbyes and take away fond and lasting memories of their time at St Benedict’s.
This year’s prom will take place at The Wivenhoe House Hotel, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO4 3SQ on Friday 11th July 2025 from 6.30 pm to 11.00 pm.
The cost of the prom will be £51.50 which will include a ‘mocktail’ on arrival, a buffet meal, a selfie wizard and disco. Payment for the prom should be made through ParentPay. A place at the prom will only be secured once payment is made. If you are unsure of your ParentPay details, please contact the office. If there are any concerns regarding payment arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the college.
The deadline for payment is Friday 4th April 2025. Should any student not meet the ‘Passport to the Prom’ criteria, the cost of the prom ticket will be refunded.
We look forward to welcoming you and your year 11 student to these special occasions.
The yearbook will be produced as a hardback and filled with memories of the students’ time at St Benedict’s. The cost of the book will be £16.75. The yearbooks will be available to collect on GCSE results day in August.
L eavers’ hoodie
Hoodies are available to purchase at £21.95 in a standard design which includes embroidering of the college crest on the front and printing of the names of all students in the year group on the reverse. You can personalise the top line of the hoodie on the reverse side, for example with a surname or nickname at no additional cost. The hoodies will be Royal Blue.
When ordering the hoodie on ParentPay, you will be required to complete the following information before making the payment:
· Size required - Small - 36” Medium - 40” Large - 44” XL - 48”
· Details of any personalisation for the reverse
If your child would like a hoodie, we suggest that you measure your child to ensure the correct size is ordered. Please note that if the wrong size is ordered it cannot be returned to the supplier.
We anticipate hoodies will be available for students to collect after Easter.
If you would like to purchase a yearbook and/or hoodie for your child, please pay using ParentPay by Friday 14th February 2025. Please note that we are unable to accept any orders after this deadline.
If you have any queries regarding the yearbook or the hoodies please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Simonelli by telephoning the College office.
Yours faithfully
Mr T Martin Mr T Fusi
RSL for Year11 Lay Chaplain
Dear Parent/Carer
2025 Summer Pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS)
This summer, BCYS will be taking a group of young people from across the diocese on pilgrimage to Lourdes in the south of France. Lourdes is a place of deep spiritual significance for Catholics worldwide and has become a popular pilgrimage destination for those seeking prayer, healing and community. This year holds even greater importance on pilgrimage as the Catholic church celebrates the Jubilee Year, titled “Pilgrims of Hope.”
On this pilgrimage, students will have the opportunity not only to grow spiritually but also to serve others. They will work alongside other young people from across the Diocese, supporting the elderly and those in need during their pilgrimage to Lourdes. It’s a great opportunity not only to meet other young Catholics from across Essex, but also to deepen their understanding of their own faith.
Key details are as follows:
· Dates: Saturday 19th July – Saturday 26th July 2025
· Cost: £760
· Travel and Accommodation: They will travel by coach and will be staying in a hotel.
· Eligibility: Open to all Year 10 and 11 students
If you are worried about the cost, there are various financial support options available:
· The Jack Petchey award have a grant available which has typically been up to £200
· The Catenian Association have previously granted between £50 and £100 per person
· The BCYS do have a Bursary Fund available, in which they can offer up to 30% of the total cost (around £200)
· Young people are encouraged to hold fundraising events which the college can support.
We strongly encourage students to take part in this incredible opportunity to grow in faith, develop new friendships, and make a difference in the lives of others. To find out more information and to apply for a place on this pilgrimage, go to
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email;
Yours faithfully
Mr T Fusi
Lay Chaplain
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Core Subject Mock Examinations - March 2025
Please find below the timetable for the year 11 mock examinations due to take place in March 2025 in our exam hall. Students will sit these examinations in core subjects only. Biology and chemistry mocks will take place during lesson time. Students can view their individual timetables and seating allocations on EduLink.
Date | Start | Duration | Subject | |
Thursday | 6th March 2025 | 9.00 am | 1h 45m | English Language |
6th March 2025 | 11.40 am | 1h 30m | Maths | |
Friday | 7th March 2025 | 9.00 am | 45m | Religious Studies |
7th March 2025 | 11.40 am | 1h40m | Physics Paper 2 | |
7th March 2025 | 7th March 2025 | 1h10m | Combined Science Physics Paper 2 |
We run mock examinations in line with the JCQ regulations to ensure that students are accustomed to the rules and regulations expected of them during their summer exams.
Please ensure that your child attends their examination on time and is fully equipped. Students are asked to complete exam papers in BLACK pen only and a scientific calculator is required for maths and science examinations.
Toilet breaks will not be permitted during examinations.
The full GCSE examination timetable for summer 2025 can be viewed on the exams page of the College website. Students will receive a statement of entry in the coming weeks.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Yours faithfully
Ms C Adams
Examinations Officer
Dear Parent/Carer
GCSE Statement of Entry
Students will be issued with their GCSE statements of entry this week. We ask that student’s/parents check all of the information provided. We will also ask students to supply a mobile phone number for themselves in the case of emergency on the day of exams and in the rare instance that students are not present. We already hold parents/carers contact details.
Please check that all of the subjects that they are expecting to sit are listed and that they are entered for the correct tier where applicable. You should also pay attention to their personal information as this will be printed on their GCSE certificates and can be costly to amend once printed by the awarding bodies. Names will appear without a ‘middle’ name.
Any amendments to entries made after 28th February may incur a fee from the awarding bodies.
Information on the examination boards and their entry codes can be found in the exams section of the College website.
If you/they think that there may be an error on the statement of entry, or you require any further information on any aspect of the examination process please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Yours faithfully
Ms C Adams
Examinations Officer
Dear Parent/Carer
Student and Parent Examinations Handbook
Please find attached the examinations handbook for 2024/2025.
We are required to send all students, parents and carers the attached information and we urge you to familiarise yourself with the contents paying particular attention to the information for candidates from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). This information can also be located on the exams page of the college website under the sub heading ‘JCQ Information for Candidates’.
If you require any further information on any aspects of the examination process, please see the ‘Exams’ information page of the college website, alternatively you can contact me via email:
Yours faithfully
Ms C Adams
Examinations Officer