Remote Learning & Catch up

Remote Education Provision

A summary of our remote education provision can be found here

Remote education provision

We intend to spend our Covid-19 Catch-Up premium for 2023/2024 on…

Digital devices for our 2024 GCSE cohort to ensure students are able to access all digital resources to help with learning in lessons and revision at home. The devices will also support students in preparing for further education. Where we can, we will also support families who have difficulties with internet access at home.

A whole-school literacy strategy to ensure all students maintain at least expected progress in terms of reading age, spelling age and vocabulary acquisition. Form time reading strategies, library re-development, and enhanced accelerated reader packages to improve average reading ages are just a few of the approaches we continue to invest in. We are currently exploring alternative options for KS4 students to ensure this offer is appropriately challenging.

A departmental strive fund where each department can bid for resources to support students in catching-up on lost learning. This is already active and a number of interventions and resources across English, MFL and music have already been sourced, purchased with some already being used.

Targeted period six provision in English and maths each week with specialist teachers providing tailored tutoring to borderline students based on mock exam results.

Our Kaizen Courage Day in the Summer term includes an array of events including inflatables, team building, drama performances and a range of inspiring workshops run by external companies and guests to help plug the gaps on the type of in-college and extra-curricular activities that our students might have missed out on due to extended periods of remote learning.

Well-being resources and interventions run via our pastoral team, tutor time and our PSHE curriculum.

As always, should you have any queries, please email and the most appropriate person will contact you as soon as possible.